Animal Communication:
how I discovered that it was real

And how it led me to a new wonderful path in life

My cat Winnie was pretty ill in 2019. He has aspergillosis, which is a rare and nasty fungal infection. Winnie had to have surgery multiple times to try to get rid of the fungus growing inside his nose and sinuses. my cat Winnie in a planter pot That was the time I really realised that Winnie wasn't immortal and that I needed to do more to know him better before this fatal event. I also needed to help him more, to do something to learn how to better take care of him, to understand him, if I wanted to keep him happy by my side for a few more years.

I researched courses on Udemy about animal behaviour, animal nutrition, holistic pet health among other things. A search result popped up : "Animal communication". I thought: "hey, a course that could help me better understand Winnie". I thought it was a zoology or an animal behaviour course. You know, a course that would tell you everything there is to know about how the way your cat meows or waggs his tail means different kinds of things and expresses different types of emotions. Oh boy, was I wrong. This course had nothing to do with science-based approaches to understand animals.

Animal communication is about communicating telepathically with animals. Everyone is supposed to have this ability. A human can "talk" telepathically with an animal about almost anything and the animal will understand. This suppposes that animals are complex sentient beings capable of understanding complicated concepts such as death, life and time, and of feeling deep emotions such as grief, jealousy, or nostalgia for example.

I should tell you that I am a trained microbiologist. I mean, I consider myself a scientist, despite the fact that I am not currently working in science anymore. When I dived into this course, I was shocked by the ideas presented in it. It talked about everyone being able to communicate thoughts, feelings or sensations to their pet and receive answers from their animal friend if they trained hard enough. It also talked about using that ability to solve animal behaviour issues, help shelter animals get past traumas, find lost animals and even talk with animals that had passed away! Let's say I was more that skeptical. But I thought "Right, I bought the course, I didn't know about the concept so I have actually already learnt something, let's see what this person has to say". It wasn't worse than doing tarot reading and thanks to my mom, I knew tarot at the time and the huge advantages of using tarot to reflect on one's life.

The course was really interesting, although I disagreed with a lot of the concepts presented in it and at the end, the teacher encouraged all students to try animal communication with other students' pets on a dedicated facebook page for this purpose. I gave it a try, then another. I had tried before shyly with my boyfriend's cat and had got some interesting info about Igloo's health. But through that Facebook group, I discovered animal communication was real. I could guess the color of the animal's guardian sofa, the number of members in their family, if there were other pets, etc.
Of course the information I got from my communications weren't always right, but when they were, the degree of precision was incredible. I once described that a dog was fat and on diet and ate in a blue japanese plate, and he was, for example. More impressive where the communications that total strangers did with my own cat, Winnie. More than one person described my house perfectly, from the green walls of my living room to the way the rooms were organised. They told me what food Winnie ate or not, described his personnality, his daily habits, memories that Winnie and I shared when I was still a child. They knew that Winnie only lived with me and my boyfriend, and could describe a few of our own habits and personnality traits.

I finally decided to join the Animal healing Organisation, to train with Elisabeth Whiter. Elisabeth is a very experienced animal communicator and healer who has a school in Somerset, UK.

I am now seriously considering to work as a professionnal animal communicator and healer. I regularly train with animals that I don't know. I try to help people with their lost pets. I still have a lot to learn but I am finally going on the path I want. As a child, I kept telling to anyone who wanted to hear it that I wanted to become a vet, because that was the only job I knew that helped animals. But now I am learning how to help animals in a wonderful way I never could have dreamt. I used to care if my job looked like a job a "rational" person would do, but I think that after having studied science for 5 years, I have proven that you don't have to be a person who is into New Age stuff or a strange, irrational and superstitious person to try animal communication. Actually, science has been build on two key ideas: cultivating curiosity and experimenting courageously every hypothesis. 😜

Two years later his health incident, Winnie is now 14 and has never been so full of energy and happy 🐱🌸🌈 He eats raw food, herbs, receives energy healing and we talk quite a lot together, although he spends much of his time on his adventures outside 🐯 I can't complain either 😉 I spend more and more time with animals 🐾 Louise Huang listening to a donkey Here is a short testimony from Pumpkin, a bearded dragon with whom I have "talked" a while ago :

I tell Pumpkin that humans rarely have amphibians and reptiles as pets other than because they can't have dogs or cats - usually it's because parents don't want to give them a bigger pet or because, when there are adults, they don’t have time or room for « better », they assume that a reptile requires less care, which I think is wrong. This makes Pumpkin frankly sad: he does not judge the humans who do that but he knows that many people of his kind are not seen for their beautiful colors and as complimented and well taken care of as him - he feels the misery of others like him and he does not understand why so many humans are not dazzled by the magnificent colors of reptiles and amphibians, because part of the "mission" of any amphibian or reptile on earth is this: to dazzle the world with beauty. Humans must learn to overcome the originality of reptiles and see their profound beauty, their transformative beauty. This is what the reptiles want to show. They want to show their exterior colors of course, but especially their « inside » colors, their spiritual colors - « People are very visual and focus a lot on my orange color, more than on my orange personality! What a shame. » He says. I have the feeling it takes a weight off Pumpkin's shoulders to tell me frankly what he thinks of humans' lack of vision. Pumpkin the bearded dragon
Here are a few links if you want to learn more about animal communication:

There are also a lot of resources online, as well as documentaries on the topic on youtube 🤓

If you would like to know more about how I do my animal communications before booking one with me:

A page built by Louise Huang