✨The Magical World Of Unicorns✨

Check Out The Fascinating Lore!


What is a Unicorn?... The unicorn is a legendary creature that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a single large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead. its horn was said to have the power to render poisoned water potable and to heal sickness. The unicorn was mentioned by the Ancient Greeks in accounts of natural history by various writers. The unicorn is often depicted in European folklore as a white horse-like or goat-like animal with a long horn, cloven hooves, and sometimes a goats beard. In Renaissance times it was commonly describes as an extremely wild woodland creature that was a symbol of purity and grace, which coould only be captured by a virgin.

Unicorns are magical creatures...and magic always means certain powers that are out of “normal” and only possible in stories and movies. Unicorns carry many different kinds of powers, even superpowers if we may say so. No surprise we meet those one-horned creatures in fantasy worlds, they have a place in healing mythology and these days we can even see Marvel’s famous anti-hero Deadpool riding a unicorn! Or at least trying. Most of the unicorn’s magic is put on its unique sharp horn that actually looks like a powerful wand. It makes unicorns look pure and innocent creatures. At the same time, the horn is also unicorns’ most dangerous weapon. As there are tens or hundreds of different interpretations of a unicorn – from silver majestic unicorns to fluffy pink rainbow ones, there are tens of different powers they are said to have. We list you our favorite ones that may surprise you and show why unicorns are so widely spread through times and stories.Legends say that even though unicorns are rare and unique, people with some luck and a pure heart can actually see them. Unicorns can even be caught but a single unicorn can’t be tamed. Being untamable is another ability we can assimilate with unicorns. They like to keep their wildness and freedom so You could have more luck with taming dragons as we have learned from Game of Thrones…

✨Powers Of A Unicorns Horn✨

The Unicorn horn which is also called alicorn. It’s a long, sharp and spiral-shaped horn that has the power to cure diseases like measles, rubella, fever, and pain. To get well, you need to let the unicorn horn touch you gently or drink the liquid that the horn has touched. Unicorn horn powder can heal the most deadly wounds. Medicine has developed from ancient times but it still seems that it would be handy (and pretty sensational!) to just in case keep a unicorn or two at the hospital backyard. Unicorn horn’s healing power has also associated unicorns with the roots of medical history. But actually, unicorn horn is even more powerful! According to the facts by Ancient Origins, the Unicorn horn also has the power to clear water from the poison. That is also the reason why unicorns are often symbolically represented by rivers, lakes, fountains, and springs where other animals waited for Unicorn to arrive. Unicorns came and peacefulness flowed through the area. As soon as the unicorn horn touches the water, it was clean and ready to drink. And other animals drink in peace and harmony. Unicorn horns cleaning power and their majestic appearance is one of the reasons why unicorns have always been loved by other animals. Unicorns don’t have any natural enemies. Nowadays we see that unicorns are also loved by people: by kids and by grown-ups, by businessmen and by housewives. They all find some specific magic in those mystical creatures.

👉🏻 Read more about Unicorn Powers here

This page was built by Sabrene-Marie Papas for an academic project.