Video games

That’s what I love


The history of video games began in the 1950s and 1960s as computer scientists began designing simple games and simulations on mainframe computers, with MIT's Spacewar! in 1962 as one of the first such games to be played with a video display. The early 1970s brought the first consumer-ready video game hardware: the first home video game console, the Magnavox Odyssey, and the first arcade video games from Atari, Computer Space and Pong, the latter which was later made into a home console version. Numerous companies sprang up to capture Pong's success in both the arcade and the home by creating clones of the game, causing a market contraction in 1978 due to oversaturation and lack of innovation.

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My history with games

Since I was younger I've been playing video games a lot. My first console was The Super Nintendo, which I could learn my first words in English and spend a long time with my family. Since then I have never stoped playing but I changed the console, today I like to play on my Switch, computer, and Playstation 5. One of my favorites games is The Sims, which is a simulation game. However, I like to play other genres like adventure, action, and strategy.

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