Medea of Colchis

Medea is known in most stories as a sorceress and is often depicted as a priestess of the goddess Hecate.

She aids Jason in his search for the Golden Fleece out of love, assisting him with her magic and saving his life in several quests, playing the role of an archetypal helper-maiden, before abandoning her native Colchis, marrying him, and fleeing with him westwards where they eventually settle in Corinth. Jason leaves Medea to marry princess Glauce. In revenge, she murders Glauce and the king with poisoned gifts, and later murders her own sons by Jason before fleeing for Athens.

"Medea’s anger turns to violent action, which can make her into a symbol of freedom, and emblem for the colonized turning the tables on the colonizer. Euripides, more than all other tragedians, has predicted many of the horrors that occur in the modern world, showing both the glory and the monstrosity of the oppressed turned oppressor". -Marianne McDonald

Source: Wikipedia Coded by: Jess Kaitz