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July 20, 2021: Penny Reid is back with Totally Folked

Penny Reid

This week Penny Reid has blessed us all when she hit the publish button of Totally Folked, the first novel on her brand new series Folks: Modern Folktales! As always, Penny has not disappointed and we once again fall in love with the hero of this story: Jackson James. He is the Sheriff's Deputy of our beloved town of Green Valley, Tennessee, and of course, we remember him from Reid's superb series Winston Brothers. Let me tell you, Jackson James was such a surprising treat and how he could not be when Penny conjured him up. This blog is 100% a Penny Reid supporter and her mad writing skills should be celebrated daily.
Please do yourself a favor and check out her personal page with a list of all her books, links to all her media, and her hilarious blog. She is such a delightful human being and if you have not read her books yet, go right now to pick up any of her amazing series!
Click here to check Penny's awesomeness

Coded by Sara Moreno Muñoz