
The alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is a species of South American camelid mammal. It is similar to, and often confused with, the llama. However, alpacas are often noticeably smaller than llamas. The two animals are closely related and can successfully crossbreed. Both species are believed to have been domesticated from their wild relatives, the vicuña and guanaco.


Behavior: Alpacas are social herd animals that live in family groups, consisting of a territorial alpha male, females, and their young ones. The herd may attack smaller predators with their front feet and can spit and kick. Their aggression towards members of the canid family (coyotes, foxes, dogs etc.) is exploited when alpacas are used as guard llamas for guarding sheep Alpacas can sometimes be aggressive, but they can also be very gentle, intelligent, and extremely observant.

Coded by Klinta Dzelme Kola ©