Plant photography is a very relaxing activity that will allow you to contemplate and discover a whole new world within plants, this activity allow you to focus on the details of each plant and allow a time for yourself to realx and surround by this calm environemnt.While you can certainly notice these details without taking photos, photography can be a motivator to spend time looking at and for these details which we sometimes miss or forget to take time to notice.
Sharing the pictures you take can also be a way to build relationships
with other houseplant or gardening enthusiasts. Whether you choose to
share your photos publicly or privately on social media,
you can connect with friends or potential future friends who are
interested in the same hobbies you are.
It is a lot of fun to be able to share plants with other plant lovers,
talk about plant-y things, and connect with like-minded individuals. Lots
of people are doing this now through social media and you can too!
Read here: 6 Simple Reasons to Photograph Your Plants