Spirited Away follows the fanciful adventures of a 10-year-old girl named Chihiro, who discovers a secret world when she and her family get lost and venture through a hillside tunnel. When her parents undergo a mysterious transformation, Chihiro must fend for herself as she encounters strage spirits, assorted creatures and a grumpy sorceress who seeks to prevent her from returning to the human world.
Sophie, an average teenage girl working in hat shop, is turned into a 90-year old woman in a chance encounter by the vian and conniving Witch of the Waste. Embarking on an incredible adventure to lift the curse, she finds refuge in Howl's magical moving castle. As the true power of Howl's wizadry is revealed, and his relationship deepens with Sophie, our young grey heroine finds herslef fighting to protect them both from a dangerous war of sorcery that threatens their world.
Two young girls, Satsuki and Mei, have moved with their father into a new home in the country, while their mother recovers from an illness in a nearby hospital. To their surprise, they soon discover that they share this home with some rather unusual creatures and even stranger neighbors - forest guardians that the girls dub Totoro. When trouble occurs, their new friends will help them rediscover hope.
Coded by Neha Lal