
What is Calisthenics?

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Calisthenics is a form of physical training focused on teaching you to master your own bodyweight using minimal equipment.

The word comes from the Greek, Kalos and Sthenos meaning ‘Beauty’ and ‘Strength’. It is the art and science of beautiful movement.
Calisthenics is the complete package. Body and mind working together to the perfect symphony of mobility, stability, strength and play. Here is some information about the benefits of exploring your potential through bodyweight training.

pistol squat

What Research Says about Calisthenics

Science has concluded that there are real benefits to be had from training calisthenics. The 2017 study, ‘The effects of a calisthenics training intervention on posture, strength and body composition’, by scientists from the Sport and Exercise Sciences research unit at the University of Palermo, Italy, found that calisthenics training is a “effective training solution to improve posture, strength and body composition without the use of any major training equipment”.



Bodyweight training represents exercise in its most natural form and combines strength training and basic gymnastic movements that can be done anywhere.
It’s true that there is beauty in simplicity and calisthenics has been tried and tested over millennia leaving no doubt that it delivers exceptional results in all facets; movement, strength and aesthetics. Whilst the latter is a consideration at the School of Calisthenics we encourage people to focus on what your body can do rather than just what it looks like.
Calisthenics is about more than just getting strong and taking cool photos. Your brain is a muscle that needs flexing as well and training it with progressively challenging movements is a great way to keep it sharp.

Example exercises
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