Exercise has many benefits, both curative and preventive, for physical and
mental health.
Below you can see a list of training types and his benefits.
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Benefits of different typs of exercises:
Improves cardiorespiratory and pulmonary health, measurable by a lower
resting heart rate
- Reduces blood pressure
Reduce risks of a stroke, heart disease, and eventual heart attack
- Increases circulation
- Lowers the risk of diabetes
Weight training:
- Increases muscle mass, endurance, and strength
Ramps up your metabolism through increased muscle mass an so burns fat
Increases bone density, especially vital as women age, due to the risk
of osteoporosis
- Builds good posture
- Strengthens joints thus reducing muscular imbalance issues
Flexibility training:
- Increases range of motion
- Releases tension physically and mentally
- Supports spinal musculoskeletal health
- Improves mobility
Reduces the risk of injury associated with other exercises and movements
Research source