the bub hub 🧸

resources for your journey with littles

months 1-3 : 😴 🍼 💩 amiright? It's likely that your whole world has changed, and if you do not have a community or family to tap into in your area, it can feel overwhelming. Joining a Tinyhood Cohort is a great resource to get you connected to parents of babies of a similar age. If learning at your own pace and connecting with a large private group on facebook is more your style, try checking out The Membership by Nichole McCloy. She and her mama community are there to answer any and all questions you may have, and to cultivate a supportive space.

months 4-5 : 😭 💤 Right as you think you're settling into a routine your bub is changing it up again! From the 4 month sleep regression, to teething trauma, to ditching the swaddle, there are a lot of changes heading your way. Taking Cara Babies is a great resource for conquering sleep struggles and establishing a routine with your little. The team over at Latched Mama also has a ton of resources for you to pour over (and cute clothes, to boot! 👗 ). Their teething necklaces will give your teething babe something to munch on while you're holding them - no more soggy shirts! (🤞)

months 6-8 : Bring on the 🥑 ! It's time to explore adding solids to your baby's diet. Check out Staring Solids on instagram for resources on how to introduce solids, and free access to a "first foods" database! Outside of avocados, as your baby grows you're able to prioritize play 🎉, and the team at Lovevery is there to help you explore age-appropriate toys and activities that help you hone all those new skills that your little is developing!

need more? : For more information on what to expect in the next developmental leap, check out The Wonder Weeks so you're up to speed on what big changes are in store for your bub. 🧠 💪 🖤

It takes a village, right? If there are resources you'd like to share, milestones I've missed, or you just want to chat, reach out below!