
Endangered Species?

Portrait of a Grey Wolf

Wolves (Canis lupus) are a canine apex predator that have subspecies scattered over a large chunk of the Northern Hemisphere.

With wolves being taken off the US Endangered Species Register in October 2020, there is still debate about whether wolves are endangered. Or even 'endangered enough' to remain protected.

While many populations of wolves are stable (for example, The Great Lakes Area in the US, or Poland in Europe), the area that wolves can inhabit is becoming smaller due to human expansion, and repurposing of what were once wolf ranges. There is also the almost now traditional animosity towards wolves due to their reputation as livestock-killers, which means that getting traction to classify them as anything other than a 'pest' is difficult at best.

Add to this the fact that wolves are often seen by biologists as an Indicator species and it makes it even harder to place the importance of wolves in the Endangered 'priority list'.

You can also learn more about wolves here

This page was built by Lisa Wolf