The cantigas

Medieval Galician-Portuguese lyric

ENG: Medieval Galician-Portuguese lyric predominantly comprises the Cantigas de Santa Maria, the cantigas de amor, the cantigas de amigo and the cantigas de escarnio e maldizer. These poems are incredibly exciting for anyone interested in learning more about how poets used lyric in the medieval period to explore their emotions. They are one of the greatest literary creations of the Middle Ages and deserve our attention.

GAL: A lírica medieval galego-portuguesa comprende de maneira predominante as Cantigas de Santa Maria, as cantigas de amor, as cantigas de amigo e as cantigas de escarnio e maldizer. Estes poemas son moi emocionantes para calquera persoa interesada en coñecer máis sobre como os poetas empregaban a lírica na Idade Media para explorar os seus sentimentos. Son unha das mellores creacións literarias da Idade Media e merecen a nosa atención.

Here is where you can learn more about the cantigas. Cancioneiro da Ajuda manuscript image

Made with love for the cantigas by Harriet
