Sustainable Fashion

A great way to save money, and help the whole world.

A lot of people think that sustainable fashion is all about thrift shopping and secondhand clothing, for people who have lower incomes, or who can't afford 'proper' clothes. This couldn't be further from the truth. Thrift shopping, secondhand clothing and refashioning are a great way to help the whole world. And you don't have to thrift, there are plenty of ethical clothing companies that make everything from bespoke suits to basic t-shirts.

Sustainable fashion is a challenge, and can be time consuming, but in the end you will consume fewer resources and this will also reduce the demand for fast fashion, often produced in unsustainable and environmentally unfriendly ways.

Most people don't think twice about buying a secondhand car, or a secondhand house (how many of us live in a brand new built home?) By purchasing secondhand clothing we can all help to reduce our carbon footprints.

A great way to stay motivated when it comes to sustainable fashion is to be part of a community that also participates - join our community by subscribing to our newsletter, below.

Sustainable Fashion on Wikipedia