🥐 Croissants&Lattes ☕️

a blog about the best go-to cafe combination 😋

Croissant and Lattes in a cafe setting

Having a croissant with your cup of coffee whether you take it black or with artisinal flavor is one of the simple joys of cafe culture. As we'e navigating through the pandemic, some of the things I miss about visiting my favorite coffee shops is experiencing the local culture, and catching up with my friends.

I enjoy taking my ham and cheese croissant with iced lattes that are typically sweetened with white chocolate. Did you know that while croissants originate from France, ham & cheese croissants originate from Vienna, Austria?

According to Wikipedia, Coffee culture is the set of traditions and social behaviors that surround the consumption of coffee, particularly as a social lubricant. The term also refers to the cultural diffusion and adoption of coffee as a widely consumed stimulant. In the late 20th century, espresso became an increasingly dominant drink contributing to coffee culture, particularly in the Western world and other urbanized centers around the globe.

What is your cafe experience like?

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