How education is changing
contemporary art and curating

a frame of the video Postacards from the desert island by the artist Adelita Husni-Bey

Adelita Husni-Bey, Postcards from the Desert Island - 2011
SD video transferred to DVD, 22‘23‘‘ oil on canvas, cm 150x250 22‘23‘‘

How is the educational turn affecting artistic and curatorial practices?
Radical pedagogies are the starting point to rethink an educational approach free from prejudices and rhetoric. I believe that education is the key to approach art practices from a perspective that tries to differ from the neo-capitalistic view in which most part of the world (not only the art world) is embedded.
Italian contemporary artists and curators are giving a fundamental contribution to the development of this idea using their practices.
In detail, we could spot three different areas of interest: first, the pedagogic as a method for art practice; second, the rethinking of educational institutions through art; third, the return to earth in a sharing context.

"I think that education and the educational turn might be the moment in which we attend to the production and articulation of truths. Not truth as correct, as provable, as fact, but truth as that which collects around it subjectivities which are neither gathered by, nor reflected by, other utterances."
Irit Rogoff

Image credits to Laveronica Gallery

This page was built by Giulia Pozzi