
A cheesy dining experience

Raclette is a wonderful thing it is a cheese but also a dish! Amongst the other glorious things the Swiss gave the world they also gave us raclette. So what exaclty is raclette? Well the name speaks for itself, 'raclette' comes from the French verb racler, meaning to scrape. That is what it is, hot gooey cheese scrapped of the wheel on to a plate.

Cheese or Dish πŸ€”

Raclette can be refered to a specific alpine cheese known from is melting properties but a true raclette cheese is protected by AOP (Appellation d'Origine ProtΓ©gΓ©e) like champagne, port etc. However to enjoy raclette you do not need to have the AOP cheese. Similar semi soft alpine cheeses can work or maybe Mozzerella and Gruyere.

Raclette is also traditional Swiss meal, which consist of cheese and a variety of ingredients to house the scrapped cheese. In order to host a raclette dinner you need to have a raclette grill. Resturants will have large heating elements to melt half a wheel of cheese. If you wanted to host a meal at your home there are a variety of Raclette grills on the market. They usually have a grill plate on the top to grill meats and veggies and a broiler at the bottom to melt the cheese in individual trays. Here are some ingredients you can put your melted cheese on:

If you don not want to buy your own grill then click below