
Want to invite the beauty of nature in your home?

Our entomologists at LunaVita are here to help you
through each phase of your butterfly's and or moth's life in the comfort of your home!

Phase 1: Egg

Phase 2: Caterpillar feeding

Phase 3: Pupa or Chrysalis

Phase 4: Reproductive Adult

A moth laying eggs a caterpillar feeding Butterflies in their chrysalis Butterfly out of the cacoon
Why Moths and Butterflies Matter

Moth's are not only needed on an ecological level but also on an agricultural level. They are common pollinators for certain flowers and plants and at the end of their life cycle they are nourishment for other insects and animals in there ecosystems. Although there are some moths and butterlies that get eaten by bats there has been new research that there are certain moth species that can defend themselves effectively from bats!

Learn more here!