The world of

Dungeons & Dragons

hero fighting dragon

The Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game is about storytelling in worlds of swords and sorcery. Like games of make-believe, D&D is driven by imagination. It’s about picturing a crumbling castle in a darkening forest and imagining how a fantasy adventurer might react to the challenges that scene presents.
In this fantasy world, the possibilities are limitless.
Unlike a game of make-believe, D&D gives structure to the stories—a way of determining the consequences of the adventurers’ actions. Players roll dice to determine whether their attacks hit or miss and whether their characters can scale a cliff, roll away from the strike of a magical lightning bolt, or pull off some other dangerous task. Anything is possible, but the dice make some things more probable than others.

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The first set of rules were published in 1974, kicking off what is now known as the modern role-playing game industry. Currently D&D is expanding on its 5th edition, and the game has never been more popular thanks to TV shows like Stranger Things and successful livestreams like Critical Role. It's the best time to try it out. You never know the fun you'll have!