Switching to a 5-String Electric Bass Guitar?

Is the extra string the right choice for you? 🤔


  1. Extended range (Extra notes!)
  2. Overall tuning of the bass doesn't change
  3. New tuning possibilities that you didn't have with a 4-string
  4. Low-B string can be used as an anchor or thumbrest
  5. Strings aren't spaced as far apart
  6. Prepares you for future opportunities (playing music that requires the low-B string)
Fieldy from Korn


  1. Unwanted string noise
  2. It's weighs more
  3. Extra string adds some maintenance
  4. Will take some extra time to get used to it
Man With Bass Thumbs Down
Learn More at GuitarMeet

Coded By: Rachel "Raye" Fisher
Instagram: @rayecoder