Iced Caramel Macchiato

Read more about this drink here
Iced Caramel Macchiato

A delicious combination of coffee, vanilla, milk, and caramel.
A shot of coffee or espresso is poured on top of the caramel macchiato. As you build the drink, you'll notice that the coffee is suspended at the top. You can either enjoy the various layers as they settle naturally or stir them together, depending on your preference! Top it off when a caramel drizzle for a sweet finish touch!

Make it at home!


  1. 1. Pour vanilla syrup into the bottom of a glass.
    Add ice cubes and pour in milk.

  2. 2. Slowly pour in cold brew concentrate.
    Drizzle with caramel sauce

  3. 3. Enjoy!
Iced Caramel Macchiato
fun fact, a playlist called "iced caramel macchiato" is on spotify.
👉 Listen here 👈
Coded by Andrea Delgado