🦙Backyard Alpacas🦙

The exotic pet you didn't know you wanted

Herd of Alpacas

Having a pet can be beneficial to your health, help you form relationships, and keep you from being lonely. It is estimated that over two-thirds of Americans own at least one pet. Some of the most popular pets in America include dogs, cats, fish, and hamsters among many others. Although these are some of the more traditional pets, the term ‘pets’ is interpreted differently by everybody. If you’re looking for something a little different, a good option for you might be to buy an alpaca. A well cared for alpaca is a great animal to have as a pet. In general, they are loveable creatures and extremely soft to the touch. While alpacas can make great pets, always remember they need plenty of space to roam in, so it’s important you have space to comfortably house one. On top of this, alpacas are social, herd animals, so, it’s a good idea to get more than one—preferably two or three if not more. Alpacas are legal in all 50 U.S. states, so you won’t need any special permits to obtain one.
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Reasons why you should get alpacas:

alpaca smiling

Coded by Chantal Grybas-Lynn