Join small group tours at the lowest price and enjoy the top-notch services provided by the largest online China travel agency! There are 39 itineraries covering the most popular destinations. Below are the three best sales and you will see more when you look further.
The Great Wall of China is also called the "Great Wall", it is an elaborate and unique protective system in this world. After about 2700 years, parts of it are only ruins or have even disappeared completely.
Beijing, the huge capital of China, has a history of three thousand years. Nevertheless, it is known for its modern architecture as well as for the ancient sites such as the large complex of the Forbidden City of the Ming Dinasty.
Shanghai, die größte Stadt Chinas und ein globaler Finanzplatz, liegt am zentralen Abschnitt der chinesischen Küste. Das Herzstück bildet die berühmte Uferpromenade Bund, an der Gebäude aus der Kolonialzeit liegen.