Crystal Water Bottles

Natural Healing Properties

crystal bottle

Crystal water bottles are simply glass water bottles embedded with natural crystal or gemstone chunks in their interior. Crystal water bottles are completely safe and non-toxic, and are designed to be sustainable and re-used again and again. You’ll find crystal water bottles fitted out with a range of different crystals known for health and healing properties, from rose quartz and clear quartz to amethyst and amazonite.

The idea behind crystal water bottles is to imbue the water inside with the energy of the specific crystal soaking within. Different crystals are used for different healing or spiritual purposes. People have long been using crystals as a part of their meditation or spiritual rituals for centuries. For example, rose quartz is often used to attract love, while amethyst is known for strength and healing. Drinking this crystal-infused water allows you to benefit from the energy and intentions of your chosen crystal. So which crystal water bottle is the best fit for you?



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