The handkerchief tree produces its enormous white flower bracts in March
or April. The centre of the flower has a small male flower with
red-purple anthers and a single rounded ovary. Each flower is surrounded
by a pair of bracts of unequal size and length.
The leaves are up to 15in long with heart shaped bases, mid green above
and softly hairy beneath. The seeds or fruits are spherical and about an
inch across held on a long hanging stalk. The seeds are green turning
brown when ripe. They germinate over two seasons, first growing a root
and next season a seadling.
Davidias are slow to flower for the first time as they grow
exponentially when young and see no need to do so. Patience is needed
and you may need to wait 10 years for a result. But when they do they
are spectacular!
The best time to plan a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is