All about watermelon

Photo of watermelon

What is watermelon?

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is a flowering plant species of the Cucurbitaceae family. A scrambling and trailing vine-like plant, it was originally domesticated in Africa. It is a highly cultivated fruit worldwide, with more than 1,000 varieties.
Wild watermelon seeds have been found in the prehistoric Libyan site of Uan Muhuggiag.[2] There is also evidence from seeds in Pharaoh tombs of watermelon cultivation in Ancient Egypt.

Where does watermelon grow?

Watermelons are plants grown in climates from tropical to temperate, needing temperatures higher than about 25 °C (77 °F) to thrive. On a garden scale, seeds are usually sown in pots under cover and transplanted into well-drained sandy loam with a pH between 5.5 and 7, and medium levels of nitrogen.

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