Trees Are Beautiful

Especially Oak Trees

Oak treeS

Oak tree are trees that bears acorns as fruit, and typically has lobed deciduous leaves. The Oak tree is one of the most loved trees in the world, and with good reason. It's a symbol of strength, morale, resistance and knowledge. Oak is often associated with honor, nobility, and wisdom as well thanks to its size and longetivity. The oak tree belongs to the Quercus genus tree species – there are up to 800 species all over the world, especially in the Northern hemisphere where they are native. It’s a long-lived tree which can live more than 1000 years. The oak is a tree with multiple uses: the boiled bark has therapeutic properties. Its fruit (acorn) is used to feed livestock and in times of shortage has also been used for human consumption. A meadow of oaks is a refuge for many animal species. The shape of the blade is very characteristic, and is found in badges, coins and medals. Oak trees support a complex ecosystem with many species, including humans. The oak is one of the most loved trees by the humans, and it can be easily found in many artistic creations.

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