State of Palestine


Like many others, I was also unaware of the level of seriousness regarding tensions within Palestine. I think may agree if I said my sentiments towards the state were solely attached to the religious ties of what I knew to be Jerusalem. Growing up Palestine simply wasn’t spoken despite the ongoing tensions that have now escalated. The western media have played a huge role in perpetuating the narrative that the current affairs within the state can be referred to as a ‘war’. An example: Article

Israeli military and a Palestinian civilian Explosion in Palestine Protests

Research Thoughts📈

Following my research into the issue, it was clear to see that the Palestinians were best fitted as the victims and the Israeli soldiers as the aggressors. I found examples of self-defence on the behalf of Palestinians that was used to display an illustration of ‘equal aggression’ from both sides. I believe that we should not turn a blind eye to the situation hence why I picked this topic for my project. Here are some examples of how you can help:

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”

― Mother Teresa