Family Reunions

The Most Epic Event of all Times

The Arnell Family

Family reunions are fun and exciting times for members of a family line to come together. The elders of the family share memories of the olden days. Cousins get to catch up on what’s trending. And everyone can participate in (or watch) games, spectate talent showcases, or do an ancestral dance.
Learn more about family reunions here
Who We Are We're a group of cousins! Our family has had family reunions since the 1960's and we've been planning our yearly family reunion activities for the past 10 years. Our reunions run from Sunday to Sunday and include a variety of activities, meet-ups, and what we call the "laugh olympics." To adapt with current times, virtual meet-ups were incorporated and in person activities followed social distancing precautions. We love what we do and will bring the same excitement and enthusiasm to you!