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Veganism -- What's that?
Vegan Lifestyle

Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of and cruelty to animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. As a lifestyle it excludes the use of animals, whether in food, clothing, entertainment, or products tested on animals.
While some people believe that veganism is unhealthy, unnatural, or impossible, these ideas are simply false. In fact, going vegan can actually make you healthier and improve your relationship with the natural world and your body’s needs. Plus, if you think it’s impossible, maybe you should give yourself more credit.



START.SLOW. Start replacing your daily glass of milk with water or a fruit juice, or of course with a plant based milk option, such as almond, cashew, coconut, oat or a soja drink. Friend, you are missing out on this one! And if you don't like the plain vegan alternative there are so many options to optimize your drink!

Start replacing your yoghurt with a delicious vegan option. There are plenty different kinds of vegan alternatives. Take a strawberry soja yoghurt, a chocolate or just a plain oat-joghurt. Add some fruit. Add some nuts. Or just eat it as it is.

Start swapping a meal with meat with a vegetarian option. And then my friend, slowly start to leave out animal products and widen your horizon.
Explore fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Try sweet potatoes, try cauliflower. Experiment with zucchinis, tofu and dried tomatos. Enjoy peanut, cashew and almond butter.

explore more @ About.Recipes

Take Home Message

One day per week. Just one vegan day per week. That's all!

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