Australian coffee

Coffee connects us in so many ways - to each other, to our senses, and to the earth that supports the coffee trees

Australian Coffee

Australian coffee is espresso-style, in contrast with the drip-style filter coffee that is typically consumed in the US. They make each drink individually to order and expect the customers to take a minute to enjoy it too.

The Australian coffee comes in smaller sizes, higher prices, and is much stronger than American coffee.

While Americans love the sugary extravagant coffee beverages such as Frappés or Macchiatos, Aussies keep it simple and prefer coffees such as long black or flat white. Latte and flat white are the most popular coffee choices in Australia.

The original Australian coffee drink, the flat white, has been trendy for years. And while Australians are very particular about the frothed milk in their flat white, could an average American tell how is it different from a latte or a cappuccino? Probably not.

Read more about Australian Coffee Culture