Forget About Plastic
Descart single use plastic as much as you can and try to buy the things you need without being made or being wrapped in plastic in your daily life.
Use Zero Waste Products
Reusable water bottles and straws, tote bags instead of plastic bags, bamboo brush and cutlery, refill products are some of the products that prevent waste and if use reguraly even saves money.
Shop Consciously
Pay attention of what you buy and use alternatives that are better for the planet, like: organic, local and seasonal food; cleaning and higiene products that don't have dangerous chemicals and preferebly that the packaging is made from recycle materials; clothes that are made ethically and use natural or recycled materials.
Minimize and Organize
Sometimes we acumulate a lot of stuff in our house and even buy dupplicate because we forgot about what we have. Having a round at the house minding what you really need and descarting properly what you don't (recycling, donating, regifting), maintaning that organization, will help in having a clutter free house and a cleaner mind.
Live a Eco Life
Walk instead of driving, commute in public transportation, turn off your lights and stand-by eletronics, don't waste water by taking shorter showers, thrift as much as you can (clothes, furniture, toys, eletronics), prefere sharing or renting instead of owning what you don't need everytime, be mindful when disposing your trash
In Doubt:
When in doubt think about the 9 R's: Rethink before deciding; Repair before buying new; Reuse as much as possible; Refuse what you can; Reduce you're waste; Recylce always; Recover by DIYing and being creative; Regift or donate that another person can use what you don't need anymore; Rot your organics in a compost.
By following this tips you are helping the enviornment and prevent that more trash and waste end up in the landfill or the ocean, protecting the planet.