
"I don't think there's anything on this planet that more trumpets life that the sunflower. For me that's because of the reason behind its name. Not because it looks like the sun but because it follows the sun. During the course of the day, the head tracks the journey of the sun across the sky. A satellite dish for sunshine. Wherever light is, no matter how weak, these flowers will find it. And that's such an admirable thing. And such a lesson in life."
- Helen Mirren, Calendar Girls πŸŽ₯

Sunflowers are the very embodiment of summer. With their bright, yellow petals and tall green stems, it’s easy to see why so many people love them. Often used as a symbol of happiness and congratulations, there are many things you can learn about this wonderful flower. From interesting facts to tips on how to grow your own, we’re going to share with you everything you need to know about sunflowers.

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Coded by Jacqueline Oliver 🍁