Daphne's Kitchen

Picture of pastry

We are offering workshops about different pastries, they will be classified by origin: French, English, North American, South American and Scandinavian. The first one will be about French-type. The danish pastry, also know as Danish, is a multilayered, laminated sweet pastry in the viennoiserie tradition. Even though the name refers to Denmark, the danish pastry started to be prepared in France long time ago. This pastry type is usually baked with custard creams among others and topped with fresh fruits. In this course, you will learn about the secrets to bake a perfect one. It includes a dossier with all the recipes we will teach you in the class! Each student will have their own ingredients, apron and notebook.

Read about where they truly come from!
Instagram @AgusScapusio E-mail: [email protected]
Coded by Agustina Scapusio