Food for longevity

Personalised food choices to help you live a long and healthy life


Our lifespan and quality of life depends on complex interactions between our genetics, environment, and lifestyle. Recent studies have demonstrated that our responses to food are unique, and therefore a β€œone-size-fits-all” approach to diet is unlikely to be the best strategy to enhance health.

Personalised nutrition is looking at the complex interaction between nutrients and genes to create tailored diets which complement a person's unique genetic profile.

Recent research has highlighted the multiple interacting pathways linking diet, microbiome and health. This has revealed how our unique microbiome can modulate the impact of food to transform our long term health and weight.

One of the key factors to improving our quality of life overtime could be the interaction between fibre and our gut microbiome. This has an impact on the ageing process via modulating our inflammatory response over our lifespan.

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