Mad About Waves

Surfing Picture Red Beach

Good vibes happen on the tides

🤙 3 reasons to learn to surf:

Fitness: Surfing is the best full body workout. Paddling, take-off, keeping your balance and finally surfing. Strength, endurance and coordination are required. How strenuous it is for your muscles, you usually notice only afterwards, because if the ambition has grabbed you, there is no turning back.

Confidence: Learning to surf is not easy. Especially in the beginning it takes patience and you face psychological and physical barriers. If you manage to overcome them, you will be filled with a good portion of self-confidence and pride.

Awareness: Surfing brings you closer to nature and to yourself. The waves do not care about you or anyone else. They just come and go - and reflect how important it is to enjoy the moment. You experience the surrounding nature, the element water and become a part of it by using your surfboard. Only if you are present in the moment, you will be capable of riding the wave.

Bonus: 10 Exercises For Surfing Strength