My Favorite Movies

Studio Ghibli Movies!!

Howl's Moving Castle

Sophie spends her days tucked away in her hat shop until she is cursed with old age by the Wicked Witch of the Waste. Determined to break her curse she travels out of her small town and into the country side in search of a cure. Sophie is led to Howl's moving castle where she enters uninvited there she meets Calcifer who makes a deal with Sophie to break her curse if she can sever the link between himself and Howl. There Sophie "hires" herself as the cleaning lady and joins Howl's household. Howl is summoned to the king to take part in the war that has risen between their nation and the neighboring kingdom. Unwilling to take part he sends Sophie in disguise as his mother. That is the start of their resistence towards the war and Sophie's desire to break not only her curse but Howl's link to Calcifer.
Watch the trailer!

Spirited Away

Chihiro and her parents are driving to their new house when Chihiro's father decides to take a shortcut to their new home that is located on a hill. As they drive up the mountain they end up infront of what looks like a abandoned amusement park. Chihiro's parents decide to explore where they find a restaurant full of food. Without hesitation Chihiro's parents dig into the delicious smelling food. Chihiro explores on her own refusing to eat with her parents. She comes across a bath house that appears to be running, as she walks closer she is met with a young boy named Haku, who appears to be shocked to see her there. He warns her to run out of the park before the sun sets, questioning the boys behavior Chihiro runs to find her parents only to see giants pigs in their place and the park starts to transform as the sun sets. Haku later helps Chihiro and promises to help her find her parents and leave the "world" called Kami. Chihiro is hired by a witch name Yubaba at the bath house as she searches for a way to go back home.
Watch the trailer!

Which movie would you want to watch?

Coded by Theresa Contreras