House Plant of the Day

Monstera Adansonii


Light Requirements

Medium to bright indirect light. This means within a few metres of a brightly lit window, & in a spot where the rays of the sun do not directly touch the plant.


Watering Needs

Water when soil is starting to dry. These guys can suffer root rot especially when they’re baby plants & their roots are still developing. If their leaves are yellowing, it’s possibly due to wet feet. If root rot is significant, they are easily cloned/propagated via cuttings.



They benefit from well draining soil to help mitigate root rot. Adding perlite or pumice in a 1:5 ratio with your potting mix is one easy way to ensure soil drains freely.


Growing Style

Whilst often found on poles, they can trail as well but tend to grow larger leaves climbing vs trailing. They are vigorous growers given the right amount of light too, and will reward you with long leafy vines.



Fairly prone to mealybugs which like to hide in their many nooks & crannies. Regular preventative treatment helps by spraying with your pest treatment of choice - neem oil is a popular choice.



They propagate easily from stem cuttings. Just ensure you have a node. Cuttings tend to go yellow in water after a few months. Regular pruning benefits them as they’ll often become leggy in sections, and a good trim will encourage bushy growth closer to the base of the stem/vine.

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