Ube Cheese Pan de Sal

A twist on the regular pan de sal

Ube Pan de Sal

Suppose there’s one big craze that made every Filipino mom and Millenial Aunt (Tita) insane.
In that case, it was making the ube cheese pandesal. If you’re currently residing in the Philippines, you’ll probably know what these magic bread taste like with this post!
It’s fair to know the story and magical treat lies behind this ultimate Pinoy pastry before we start. The Pandesal, also known as Filipino Bread Rolls, usually serves as a breakfast and afternoon snack time in the Philippines. It is often paired with some spreads, condensed milk, butter and sugar, ice cream or even fried rice.
However, recently, there’s an added twist on Pandesal served at every Filipino table. With a lot of pastry variations invented online, the Ube Cheese Pandesal stands out among the rest. As the name suggests, this type of Pandesal comprises Ube (purple yam) and cheese itself.
So, to get into the real deal, we’ll teach you how to cook this tasty treat and serve this to your family. Without further hanging by, let’s discover how Ube Cheese Pandesal tastes!

👉Click for recipe! 🍞