Exotic Fruit

The Feijoa

Genus: Acca
Family: Mytraceae

The feijoa is the fruit of Acca sellowiana, an evergreen shrub or small tree, 1–7 m in height. It comes from the highlands of southern Brazil, parts of Colombia, Uruguay, Paraguay and northern Argentina. It seems that the feijoa has been adopted by the people of New Zealand and Australia and is very divisive - they either love it or hate it. Feijoas taste like taking the best elements of strawberry, guava, and pineapple and mix them together. They smell pleasantly sweet and flowery (like bubblegum). To eat a feijoa, cut (or rip) it in half and scoop out the inside creamy white flesh (a little brownish color is fine to eat).

Feijoas Information and Facts

I'd love to hear if you have tested the feijoa. Would you say "Yum" or "Yuck" to describe the taste?

Coded by Nicole Fearon