The Dutch Adventure!

How to get High Skill Migrant Visa?


If you want to work in the Netherlands as a highly-skilled migrant, your employer can submit a fast-track residence application on your behalf, even before you move to the Netherlands. Highly-skilled migrants, sometimes called knowledge workers, are foreign nationals who are deemed to make a contribution to the knowledge-based economy in the Netherlands. In general, to be classed as a highly-skilled migrant, you have to earn a certain level of income. Your employer must also be an IND recognized sponsors. Depending on your nationality, you may need a provisional residence permit (MVV) to enter the Netherlands and a residence permit to stay in the country for more than three months. Your employer (your sponsor) can apply for both permits in one application, known as the Entry and Residence Procedure (TEV). Find out if you need an MVV for entering the Netherlands, or if you only need to submit an application for a Dutch residence permit: Dutch provisional residence permits (MVV) and temporary residence permits.

Know more about high skill migrants

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