“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

If you think that the buzz around crystal healing is bogus, at least take to heart what Einstein, one of the smartest people that ever lived, had to say about vibrations. What you give your attention to grows (for better or worse), and using crystals to aid in manifesting goals is a very powerful tool, because they remind you to keep your eyes on the prize. Our thoughts create our realities, and when we use our thoughts in a positive manner to aid us in achieving our goals, everything changes.

Whether the goals are financial, romantic, career-oriented, overcoming addictions and traumas, shedding bad habits, finding courage to speak your truth, or any other desire you have for yourself, there are crystals to aid you in your journey. Pray and meditate towards your goals with these beauties Mother Nature made and keep them in your pocket or wear them as jewelry. Keeping them on you and near you will be a constant reminder of your goals, and through the persistent reminders and focused effort towards your goals, you will be amazed at what these charms can help you with. Unfortunately, you can’t buy crystals and hope for them to radically alter your life with no action on your part, but keeping them around will serve you greatly as you work towards your life’s desires. Even if you decide the crystals did nothing to serve you in accomplishing anything, at the very least you have some beautiful gems from the Earth to enjoy and decorate your space with. Learn more

Coded by Joanna Malinowski 👩🏼‍💻🤟🏻