Plastic Pollution 🌏
1 Million Plastic Bottles Are Used Every Single Minute
Bottled water is healthy and convenient, but single-use plastic
bottles are wreaking havoc on our environment, and especially our
Facts about plastic
91% of plastic never makes it to a recycling bin. Most bottles end up
in landfills and oceans.
Plastic doesn't get recycled , it gets downcycled
into lower quality materials.
By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by weight.
Over 267 marine species have been impacted by ocean plastic pollution.
This includes whales, turtles, and most seabird
Plastic never goes away. It breaks down into smaller
and smaller pieces that get ingested by marine animals. Yuck!
Plastic pieces make their way up the food chain and onto your plate.
Plastic soup, anyone?
Okay. So Plastic Sucks...
But what is the Best Alternative?
Aluminum bottled water
Learn more about alunimum bottled water