My Daughter

Philippa Alexandra Benn-Maksimovic


Philippa was born on the 11th of October 2020, just three minutes after Midnight. She is now almost 6 months old and is becoming quite the active baby. Here are a few things she enjoys doing:

When Philippa was born she was only 47cm long and weight 3180g. Now, not even 6 months later, she is around 70cm long and weighs about 8kg. So she was very small for a newborn, but now she is quite big for her age.

Usually she is a very happy baby who loves tummy time, loves to laugh and giggle and enjoys life. But lately the evenings and nights have been a bit hard for her (and us as her parents) because she started teething. Therefore, she often is in pain and screems a lot. The only things that can calm her down than are suckling on her moms boobs or being caried around and sung to by her dad.

Another reason she sometimes gets fuzzy is that she is learning so many new things, that sometimes she gets overwhelmed. Still, we are very proud of all the things she is starting to master. Here are a few examples:

Coded by Jasmin Benn-Maksimovic