How often have you struggled to find a new source of inspiration? How often have you stared at a blank page hoping something will magically happen?
And with that acknolwedgement comes an understanding that we need to ensure we have the appropriate space, time, and process in place to start being creative. This community exists to help you the work of your creative journey!
We need to create a space for that work. A dedicated place with all the tools we need. I highly recommend that you start by watching CGP Grey's Video Lockdown Productivity: Spaceship You to help learn how to create spaces for creativity.
Now you have a dedicated space for the work, but you are still stuck? Understood - and perfectly normal. The hardest decision is choosing the topic for your creation. At first, just brainstorm some topics. To find those topics try some of the following:
Tip: Try using an app or carry a notepad to jot down ideas as you come across them. A forgotten idea is useless!
Created by Elizabeth Henson