Cod Liver Oil

What is it and should we be using it?

Cod Liver Oil

Centuries ago, northern Europeans used cod liver oil to protect them from the cold. It was made from the livers of Gadus morhua and other species of cod. Cod liver oil was said to relieve such complaints as rheumatism, aching joints, and stiff muscles. It turns out cod liver oil contains large amounts of vitamins A, D, and omega-3 fatty acids, and the health benefits may go beyond rheumatism and rickets. The star ingredient in cod liver oil is omega-3, a polyunsaturated fat. Omega-3 is known as an essential fatty acid because the human body is unable to make it, so it’s necessary to get it from food.

The Medscape Journal of Medicine

What are some of the benefits of including cod liver oil into your diet?

Read more about the benefits here.

Cod Liver Oil Supplement