I Absolutely Love Creating

Especially Through Visual Aesthetics

Picture of yogurt in a glass jar mixed with an array of nuts and fruits, topped with blueberries, mango, and a mind leaf.
      The glass jar has a wooden spoon by it, all on an oak board. There are two mango pieces, one by the board and one on the board
      by the jar.

This is an image of yogurt. Not much more to describe, really. However, this is an example of visual representation I do so adore. The bright colors, so alive! The different array of fruit- Mango, how delicious! Two pieces on either side, with one leaning out of frame. The crumble of roasted oats on the edge of this marvelous, perhaps, walnut, golden oak, wooden-board, holding a unique shape itself, with a spoon, at perfect reach, right by the glass-contained-yogurt filled with layered blueberry, mango, roasted oat, and a vivif green mint leaf to top it all off. Not to mention the seemingly forgotten grey piece of cloth, almost blended to the background. The visual beauty.

Though this image was not taken by me, it does hold an array of spectacles, I can but appreciate. It is work like this, I aspire towards. Although I do not fall guilty of reproducing any such works, I do happen to have a few Instagram pages and Youtube channels. Where, instead of focusing my work on what can only be considered a passion of mine, I choose to present my self through foolishery and comedic gags. I am the owner of a page which updates itself ever so rarely, and of a channel, which hasn't been updated since June 2020, consisting of a range from 21 to 491 views per video.
The thought of exposing my true self, my intellect, my sorrows... Is something I have most certainly fallen guilty of: fear of my own candour. The unwilling desire to be seen for my veracities, my frights, my struggles. To be seen as weak, strong, boastful, a survivor of my own demons. These are all parts of me in which I have effortfully spent the majority of my teenage-life and adulthood successfully hidding away, protecting. It is a side of me, I do not believe to be 'embarrassed' of, but merely, and forever, fearful of. One can easily presume, and thus argue the equivalence of embarrassement and thus fearfulness.

I am not here to counter your judgements.
I do not fear embarrassement, I fear judgement.
I do not fear being embarrassed, I fear being judged, accused, damned.
By so doing, will I thus not feel embarrassed through the realisation of my fears?,
is the question I do indeed ask myself. Would my ego thus not be bruised, crumbled, unsettled, by such wrongfully, or dare I say worse: truthfully, damning, accusational judgements?

Ego. The true battle within every human.
I say I do not consider myself embarrassed of my past, as I have taken many years to accept who I am in my entirety. However, do tend to, usually, be relatively fearful of what other's may think of such truths being exposed. Can my ego truly take it? As much as I remain as true as I can be to myself, I have always refused sharing this truth with my entourage, acquaintances, friends, and family. I fear, my teenage truth, of not truly, ever fully, being understood. I fear, being judged for simply seeking "attention". People rarely seem to desire comprehension for someone attempting to seek simple support, understanding, or acceptance. Instead, it must be solemly fueled by basic "Attention Seeking", of course.

Judge me as you may. I accept it and would mostly understand it. Whilst I am here, however, I am daring to share my truths, to share my fears, to share (some of) my secrets. By so doing, I share with you my hidden Instagram page, for any who dare to be a part of my journey, to be a part of my truths, fears, and pain. I do not write as though my experience is unique- far from it. I consider my journey, my truths, my pains and fears, as simply being a part of a much grander experience: The Common Human Experience, as I like to put it. For all that I have and have yet to experience, is all that you have and/or have yet to experience for yourself, simply in your own, unique, way. There is nothing unique about your mountains, such as there is nothing unique about mine. The only major unique beauty, I believe there to be, is which path each one of you, of me, has chosen to take.

At the end of life, regardless of where we are born, however one may start, our internal struggles, and thus mountain, remain the same. I am in belief, that those who's struggles prove to be earlier in life, are those who've been, somewhat 'obliged', to begin to climb this mountain sooner rather than later. Whereas others, born with a silver spoon, or better yet, a gold spoon, in their mouths, will simply have to face these challenges later, as life begins to unfold before them. Sometimes abruptly, sometimes gradually.
Some of us require being slapped in the face a few times, before being able to understand the necessity of placing one foot before another, by ones own choice and determined willingness. Others, understood this gradually, and thus have been lifting, directing, acknowledging and placing one foot at a time, before another, usually leaving them with a greater understanding of the plain before us and paths before them.

Join my journey!