
What is Yoga?

Yoga (Sanskrit: योग) is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India.
The benefits of a regular yoga practice are wide-ranging. In general, a complete yoga workout can help keep your back and joints healthy, improve your overall posture, stretch and strengthen muscles and improve your balance.

Yoga during sunset

Types of Yoga

Yoga ignores the “no pain, no gain” philosophy that’s rife in fitness communities. Yoga is not a place to push through, go beyond your edge, or ignore your body. The primary tenet is ahimsa, or non-harming, and that starts with choosing the right type of yoga for you.

Here are some of the most popular styles of yoga:

Hatha Yoga text image
Hatha Yoga
Vinyasa Yoga text image
Vinyasa Yoga
Power Yoga text image
Power Yoga
Yin Yoga text image
Yin Yoga

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