Natalie On Canvas

Ocean Themed Artwork

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Natalie On Canvas is an artist that is based out of Virginia and obsessed with acrylic paint pouring. She grew up in Florida and uses those memories to inspire her artwork. Her journey began just last Christmas when a group of friends decided to do a "Paint Night". That evening ignited a passion she didn't know she had, and she's been throwing, blowing, mixing, and scattering paints ever since.

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Natalie's worldview of finding love and peace during madness and chaos is the theme that repeats itself throughout her work. Her desire, more than anything, is that others will see her work and find that calm within themselves. Her artwork is hung locally in central Virginia where she works diligently alongside small business owners and other entrepreneurs. She has sold her artwork nationwide and has fan bases as far as Australia.

Coded by Natalie N.