The Sea Turtle Conservation Project

Protecting the turtles of Punta Banco

Sea Turtle

The sea turtle conservation project was designed with the purpose of benefiting turtles as an endangered species, preserving biodiversity in the Golfo Dulce and promoting efforts to protect the oceans. In addition, residents around the nesting area receive a direct and indirect economic benefit from the project. In 2015 a new tendency emerged in Punta Banco, the community started to innovate with the triad: employment-education-conservation.

This project is about the conservation and by conservation we understand the relations between the ecosystems and humans in harmony. So the conservation commission of Punta Banco design this project to help the marine ecosystem but also the community in economic and social terms.

Learn more at tortugaspuntabanco.com

Adopt a nest for you or your loved one!

With your precious donation to Adopt a Nest, you will be helping to provide money that the Punta Banco Sea Turtle Conservation Project needs annually to sustain its operation. Each nest costs $30.

What you receive:

Coded by Scheherazade